Construction Debris and Other Building Materials Removal
WRG (Waste Resource of Gardena) is the only authorized hauler for construction/demolition/grading projects in the city of Gardena. Using any other hauler for any construction related project listed above will result in legal action and fines. WRG’s customer service number is (310) 366-7600.
Construction Hours
All construction related activity is restricted to the hours of 7:00 a.m to 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday; and 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Saturday. No construction activity is permitted on Sundays OR any of the following legally observed holidays: Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas Day and New Year’s Day.
Construction Site Signage
Prior to beginning of grading, demolition or construction activity, at least one 12″X18″ weatherproof sign must be posted on each street frontage of the project site at a location acceptable to the building inspector, showing working hours, name and emergency phone number of the contractor.
Construction Site Security
All construction sites are required to be secured from unauthorized access with an eight foot (8′) chain link fence covered with a windscreen.
Best Practices for Construction Activities:
- All persons working at the site should obtain, read and understand the Best Management Practices pamphlet for the type(s) of construction being done.
- Stockpiles of soil, demolition debris, cement, sand, top soil, etc. must be covered with waterproof material or bermed to prevent being washed off site.
- Fuels, oils, paints, solvents, and other liquid materials must be kept inside bermed areas. Spills must not be washed to the street.
- Waste concrete cannot be washed into street, storm drain catch basins, or public right-of-way. All dust and slurry from concrete cutting must be removed using a wet-dry vacuum or equivalent.
- Trash and other construction solid wastes must be placed in a covered trash receptacle.
- Eroded soil from disturbed slopes must be contained using berms, silt fences, setting basins, or good erosion management practices such as reseeding.
- Wash water from cleaning construction vehicles and equipment must be kept on-site within a containment area.