All land within the jurisdictional boundaries of the City of Gardena is zoned for a type of land use. Each zone has its own set of permitted uses, uses subject to conditioned use permit, prohibited uses, and development standards. The Zoning Ordinance is designed to protect City residents, their homes, and businesses from conflicting or incompatible activities or development.
All proposed development in the City of Gardena must be consistent with the General Plan Land Use Policy Map, the city Zoning Map and City regulations & development standards (See Title 17 and 18 of the Gardena Municipal Code).
- General Plan Land Use Policy Map
- Zoning Map
- Interactive Map
- City regulations & development standards
- Artesia Specific Corridor
- Normandie Place Specific Plan
- Western Avenue Specific Plan
- Platinum Row Specific Plan
- Emerald Square Specific Plan
- Artesia Corridor Specific Plan
- Cottage Place Specific Plan
- Normandie Estates Specific Plan
- Redondo Village Specific Plan
- Ascot Village Specific Plan
- Gardena Village Specific Plan
- Carnelian Specific Plan
The zoning ordinance regulations determines where businesses may operate in the City. To determine if the business activity you are planning can be carried on at the location you have selected, you should contact a planner at (310) 217-9530 or click here to view the Development & Planning web page.